ddPCR: digital droplet PCR

Digital droplet PCR technology is proving itself a robust and sensitive nucleic acid quantification technique. It enables direct, absolute quantification of gene expression, rare mutation or SNP detection against wild-type, and copy-number variation (CNV). We are using Bio-Rad QX200 Droplet Digital PCR System.

How ddPCR works

The technology is based on sample partitioning in 20,000 nanoliter-sized droplets. An end-point PCR reaction is performed against a single DNA template copy in each droplet. The emitted fluorescence signal is read droplet by droplet (single or double channel) for a positive/negative counting based on threshold signal. Target concentration is then inferred by a Poisson statistical model fitting with 95% confidence interval.

Sample partitioning in 20,000 dropletsDroplet fluorescence readingDroplet positive/negative callConcentration data analysis

Available ddPCR applications

  • Relative expression quantification of a target across different sample conditions with quadruplex reference genes normalization.
  • Absolute quantification of different targets in a sample condition.
  • Mutation or SNP detection against wild-type.
  • Other applications welcome for development and deploying at the platform.

Price per reaction (CA$)

 8 reactions
Canadian academic138.68
  • For academics external to Canada and industrials please contact us for an accurate quote.
  • Not including cost for sample preparation and PCR primer and hydrolysis probe design if applicable.
  • Prices subject to change.