Plasmid sequencing

Using a third-generation sequencing method (Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT)), our service enables high-quality sequencing of your whole plasmid(s) at an affordable price ($25 CAD/plasmid).

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This service is for you if:
  •  You have a long insert to sequence (requiring several Sanger sequencing reactions).
  •  You own or have received a plasmid for which you do not know sequence.
  •  You want to check that a plasmid you've been using for a long time doesn't have unexpected mutations in its backbone.

This service may be less suitable for you if:
  •  You're only interested in knowing the sequence of a small plasmid insert.

We now perform a sequencing run every Thursday, ensuring a more predictable turnaround time. Samples received by Wednesday will be included in the next run. Contact us if you have any questions about scheduling.

  • 20 ul of plasmid at 40 ng/ul. *The plasmid must have been purified on column using a commercial kit. If purification has been carried out using an in-house protocol, sequencing results may be poorer or fail completely.
  • A completed form containing some information about your samples (you can download the template here).
  • Reference sequence (optional). If supplied, it will only be used to align the produced consensus sequence to your reference sequence, and to adapt (rotate and/or reverse complement) the consensus sequence, which will make your task easier during analysis.

  • A consensus sequence (.fasta).
  • A file containing statistics for each base of the consensus sequence (.xlsx).
  • Two graphs reporting the quality and size of reads observed during sequencing (.png).
  • An annotated map of the consensus sequence that can be viewed in a web browser (.html) or with the help of software such as snapgene or snapgene-viewer (.gbk).
  • An alignment of the consensus sequence with your reference sequence (.aln, if provided). This alignment can be conveniently visualized using snapgene or snapgene-viewer software.